Christmas is a season! 20 tips to try!

Christmas is a season!
Welcome to the most sharing season of the year!  Christmas to me is a season not a just a day.
I am so happy that Majic 100 our radio station in Ottawa is now playing Christmas music 100% of the time.  I hadn't had the radio on for awhile as I was just getting tired of the same old... now I feel like there is a spring in my step!  Excitement in the air!  
I will switch the radio stations around to get different Christmas music.  I love the country singers with their sexy versions of the traditional favourites.  What is your favourite holiday song?
Now back to Christmas is a season!

The saddest thing I heard during my Daycare Days was a parent saying they only had Christmas Day off and it was so stressful.  It didn't feel like Christmas.  Of course if you only think of The Day as a day to cook, clean up and give and get presents to a bunch of family who just argue all dinner ... then yes it is yucky! (to say the least!) 
To me you have to get out and DO something ... all month long.  Don't think of it as pressure but a rights of enjoying the season.
Taffy Lane in Orleans
1. Get out and go for a drive and see the lights.  When you find that great street with lots of lights ... walk it!  Or at least open the windows and say 'hi' to everyone. There is one street in Orleans (Taffy Lane) that is fantastic.  I used to live close now we drive across the city to make that special trip to see it.  That is our family tour of the lights.  We drive downtown and see the lights then head out to Orleans and see this street full of holiday cheer.  It is has been cold so I will admit we haven't walked it but it is on my wish list. 

2. Is bowling something your family has done in the past?  Great tradition to start up again. Plan a date and then... go out for dinner afterwards.  It has to be after so you can talk about the fantastic strike or all the gutter balls.  Share a laugh or two.

3. Treat yourself and your best bud with a trip to the spa for a pedicure.  Nothing like relaxing with a cuppa and have your tender tootsie attended to at the local Spa. 

4. Go shopping... not to buy but to enjoy the decorations.  Every shop owner has put a lot of energy into making their place festive.  Enjoy their work. The music is on. Dance to the joyous sound.  

5. Make a gingerbread house / village... there are so many pre-made kits out there.  Have fun!  Add some of those sugary cereals so it isn't all just candy you are munching on. Shredded Wheat and Shreddies make great roof tiles.  Maybe put out some veggies and hummus so you have something else for the tummy.  Have a competition with the kids.  Don't forget the music!  Wrap everything in basket wrap and you have a (less) dusty decoration. Give it a place of honour... when the season is over and you take down your tree bring out a hammer.  Let the kids all have a turn at breaking it.  Nibble on  what you want and throw out the rest.  No left overs and clean up is done.

6. Winter activities... ok some places you can't do the traditional winter type activities ... skating, skiing, snowshoeing, tobogganing, snowboarding,... Now that there is snow outside my window my mind is on getting outside to enjoy something.  Wouldn't a snowman be fun!  It is hard to get the right snowman snow but take advantage of it.

7.  Holiday movies... to cold to go out.  or Just put it in on your schedule to watch the specials.  Netfix has many to choose from on your schedule.  Put on a movies - hey even adults can enjoy Frosty.  Pop some popcorn and enjoy your childhood memories. 

8. Did I also forget to say Bake some cookies!  of course you need that in your schedule.  Too much sugar and extra stuff for you.  Not everyone is that good (yet!) You can follow the 90/10 rule and a cookie treat might be your 10%.  Have fun checking out the recipes.  Don't think of it as stress but what makes you smile.  This is you baking so you can do what you want.  Keep a few for  company then pack up the rest and give to a neighbour or friend.  They will love you for it.  And it will give you a fuzzy warm feeling for cheering someone up.  

9. Check out the local churches for their holiday schedules.  Yes even if you don't go to church they welcome you.  Maybe a special performance will appeal to you.  Violins, choirs, nativity scene performance,... You can just go and revel in the joy of the performance.  I love to go the Bethel Church for their Gift of Christmas. This year it is their 16th Annual performance.  It is non-denominational but does embrace the Christmas spirit.  To sit in a full auditorium and just sink in the holiday spirit you can't help but bring some of that joy home.  Look around and say 'hi'.  Everyone is there for the same reason.  

10.  The last few years my daughter and her boyfriend have joined us to craft a Christmas decoration.  We go to and make a beautiful blown glass ball ornament.  Then we go out for dinner together.  It is a lovely time to be together and enjoy each other and of course a laugh or two as we make out decorations.  

11.  Is the stress getting to you?  There is so much to do and so little time.  Does it really matter if it all doesn't get finished.  Over the years I find I have done so much. Sometimes it was near perfect (from a child's view) and other times.. well!!!  but if you put elements from different years together you can picture is perfect.  lol!  and of course the pictures... enjoy looking over the pictures.  Pull up fb or an old album.  See how crazy some of those times were... a trip down memory lane. 

12. The 12 Days of Christmas... a song ... a festive rule.  What 12 things are you going to do to make something special... for you!!!  Cutting down the Christmas tree? with holiday hats! and bells!  We used to go as a family (we lost more of the girls boyfriends this way!) to the tree farm to get the perfect tree. We worn Santa hats and sang during the wagon ride.  People thought we were working there lol!  too bad we couldn't carry a tune or remember the words but we had fun.  We have now gone to visit my daughter in St Thomas where they go to a huge tree farm complete with campfires (bringing your hotdogs and marshmallows) and find the perfect tree with lots of other activities for the kids (and adults with a camera!)  a fun day! 

13.  Another kiddy thing I started to do for my grown daughter was an advent calendar.  24 little things she could open up on each day in December.  She had fun posting them on fb from cupcake wrappers and all the ingredients (over the days) to socks or a favourite candy.  How this started is my Dad received 24 gifts all wrapped up from the Legion.  Each day he had fun opening them.  When we visited he let us open them for him.  We got chocolates to munch on, cards to play a game with him.  He kept the beautiful vest and blanket. He thought it was just a hoot that an old man would get all these gifts.  It made his December.  This would be a fun thing to do to pay it forward to someone who is on their own.  Makes Christmas a season.   

14.  Can you smile?  I love to give away my smiles and 'hi'.  Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays!  I respect everyones religion but I also respect mine.  One year I was so careful not to upset anyone I forgot who I was. Never again.  I wish everyone joy!  I greet everyone (well most) with a smile and a 'hello' as I go for a walk, stand in line, or pay at the cash.  Everyone needs a smile. :)

15. Christmas cards.  Where has the tradition gone?  Remember when you got your first Christmas card in the mail?  It marked the start of the holidays.  Now the cards are from the mayor and your real-estate broker. lol!  
Why not send out 5 cards?  You will probably get more joy out of sitting down with a hot cuppa, putting on the radio turned to Christmas or putting on an album (lol cd)  and picking out a beautiful snowy card.  Look up the address (oops! sorry about that stress!) and writing a Happy New Year and signing your name. Don't forget the stamp (that is why I suggested 5 only - it gets expensive).  When you have finished your cards and snack... pull your boots and coat on and go out and breath some fresh air.  Many neighbourhoods here have mailboxes just down the street.  Pop the cards in your pocket and get out there and mail them.  What a lovely afternoon.  Doesn't it feel good to get it down.  Who did you send the cards too?  A friend you have been meaning to go for coffee with or someone a long way away?  :)

16. Facebook... our new way of communicating.  You can chat to anyone everywhere.  Post some fun holiday greeting.  Cruise through your friends pages.  Stop for a visit and leave a message.  It will while away the hours but it can be productive if you do it right.  Everyone loves personal messages.  A 'hello just thinking of you' greeting.  :)  it will make the whole world seem closer. Take away that lonely feeling. 

17. Upper Canada Village - Alight at Night.  Just an hour and a bit from Ottawa is Upper Canada Village that has lit up the Village with thousands of lights, carol singing and hot fresh bread wafting through the village.  You can also go a wagon ride and train ride.  
Each city seems to have their beautiful festive area.  Burnaby Village in Vancouver was a fantastic place to visit with my daughter and grandsons.  Frosty welcomed us. And of course the Merry go round ride as the room swirls arounds us.  Colour, lights, sound.  Holiday tradition!

The perfect tree
18. Cookie exchange.  I know I mentioned cookies already but this is a great way to cut down on your baking.  Even if you do this with 2 -6 people you will have 6 dozen different cookies and you only made 6 dozen of one kind (each person makes 6 dozen then you exchange).  If it is a big  group it can be fun but less of each kind of treat.  

19.  Sleep - holidays can be stressful.  Are you getting enough? I never do! My mind starts going around in circles the moment my head hits the pillow.  I put a note pad near my head.  I then can write it down...and go back to sleep.  (well now I have my iPad and put things in note)

20.  Self Care for the holidays... we mentioned pedicure, sleep,  don't forget to eat healthy holiday foods (treats are great but....!?!?)  What do you do for self care?  Sign up for Healthy Holidays for more ideas and support throughout the six weeks (yes it is 6 weeks lol) of stress free holidays.
Cheers from our family to yours :)

:) :) :) Happy Holidays... It's a season ... not just a day.  

What makes your season special?  I would love to hear from you.  
Healthy Holidays - Stress free fun and ideas - sign up

Judi's Studio & Health Spa


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